Thursday, November 22, 2012

death, life, touch

ἄνθρωπος ἐν εὐφροσύνηι
φάος ἅπτεται ἑωυτῶι·
ἀποθανών, ἀποσβεσθεὶς ὄψεις, ζῶν δέ·
ἅπτεται τεθνεῶτος·
εὕδων, ἀποσβεσθεὶς ὄψεις· ἐγρηγορὼς
ἅπτεται εὕδοντος.

Heraclit. F26 / Clem. Strom. IV, 141, 1

Человек в ночи
себе свет зажигает собою.
Мертв он: погасши очами, хоть жив,
соприкасается с мертвым.
Спит он: погасши очами, [хоть] бодр,
соприкасается с спящим.

Гераклит, фр. 26 / Климент, Строматы (пер. С. Муравьева)

A human being touches
a light for himself in the night,
when his sight is quenched. Living,
he touches the dead in his sleep;
waking, he touches the sleeper.

(Transl. N. Elias, L. Ruiz)

Saturday, November 17, 2012


sometimes i see nobody but doubles, someone anonymous resembling someone i know
resemblance depersonalizes both of them
and now while reading Porphyry these lines suddenly capture my attention:

"10. Everything in everything, but everything's nature way: ... in the bodies - in form of semblance...
12. Not only among the bodies homonymy happens..."

Porphyry. The Sententiae ad intelligilia ducentes

Friday, November 16, 2012


A man playing a woman embodying the ideal desired woman making grotesque of his play reverses the desire making this man who is playing grotesquely a desired woman desired (O. Ivashyna,  J. Baudrillard).

Photo source:

Rich-e-Rich and Amanda Lepore, the Goddess of surgery

Saturday, November 10, 2012

cyber sensitivity

'like'ful thinking (in Facebook) is in fact our desire to touch and to be touched
'like me' / 'touch me'