Thursday, October 05, 2006

Навколо мертвого Гектора збираються ахейці і дивуються його формі та чудовій зовнішності; кожен із них по черзі встромлює спис в оцю красу і знову дивується, наскільки Гектор тепер м’якший на доторк ніж був, коли нищив вогнем кораблі ахейців.

As he spoke he drew his spear from the body and set it on one side; then he stripped the blood-stained armor from Hektor's shoulders while the other Achaeans came running up to view his wondrous strength and beauty; and no one came near him without giving him a fresh wound. Then would one turn to his neighbor and say, "It is easier to handle Hektor now than when he was flinging fire on to our ships" and as he spoke he would thrust his spear into him anew.

Homer. Iliad XXII, 367-375 (transl. S.Butler)

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