The Human Body comes to Kyiv :)
Having caused a sensation in the scientific and medical world, the Human Body exhibition will be shown for the first time in Ukraine (Kiev). The exhibition, which saw 32 million visitors around the world, will be open until December 23, 2012.
The show will include near 150 exhibits of anatomical parts that will allow a unique look at the human body.
The bodies have been specially processed and preserved in their natural form. Some of the exhibits demonstrate the consequences of bad habits such as overeating and physical inactivity, and draw attention to the fact that a healthy mind can only be in a healthy body.
“A healthy lung next to one affected by smoking is a more striking example than a picture in a book.” said the creator of the exhibition, which has already been held in New York, London, Prague, Sao Paulo, Amsterdam and many more.
The exhibition invites visitors to a detailed review of the human body and its skeletal system, muscles, reproductive organs, respiratory system, blood and other body parts. Some exhibits are set in various positions to acquaint visitors with what is happening in a body during movement as in sport and recreation.
A revolutionary method of preservation with polymer, in which the fluids in human tissues are replaced with silicone, is constantly improved by a team of specialists, so that exhibits are presented in more detail.
The exhibition will, without a doubt, bring a completely different way to look at the human body and, of course, many will be inspired to better treat their body.
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